Star Wars 7 Trailer Reveals Han And Leia Reunion & Much More…

The new full trailer for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is once again surprisingly light on plot, but there are plenty of new details if you look close enough.

The awesome new footage gives us a brief glimpse of Poe Dameron at the mercy of the villainous Kylo Ren, as well as a hint that the Jedi and Sith are now nothing more than a legend. All that, plus plenty of explosive action scenes and even the start of a rather epic lightsabre duel between ex-stormtrooper Finn and Vader-fanatic Kylo Ren.

Here’s what we learnt:

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Han Solo and Princess Leia Reunited?

It’s long been rumoured that Han Solo and Princess Leia never ended up as a couple… or at least, they’re estranged by the events of ‘The Force Awakens’. It all stems from that earlier teaser trailer:

“Chewie…” says Han Solo to his old wookiee pal. “We’re home.”

And that’s led many to believe that he’s been off on his own adventures for a while.

Although nothing has been confirmed by this new trailer, the embrace between Han and Leia looks like a moment between two star-crossed lovers who wish things had been different. It’s certainly a touching moment between the unlikely original trilogy couple.

Let’s just hope they can save the galaxy together, all over again.

A Hidden Reference To Boba Fett

One of the more obscure sightings in the ‘Star Wars 7’ trailer comes in the mysterious scene outside what looks like some kind of fortress or old temple – perhaps the hideout of the pirate leader, Maz Kanata.

Adorned with flags and banners, the building hides a subtle nod to fan favourite Boba Fett.

Right in the centre of the frame, directly above the door at one of the highest points is the Mandalorian Mythosaur Skull – the logo seen on Boba Fett’s armour in the original ‘Star Wars’ movies.

But does this mean we’ll see the return of Boba Fett?

I can’t help thinking that’s a tad unlikely… despite the appearance of the Mandalorian flag. But it’s a cool nod to the character nonetheless.

Kylo Ren Unleashes The Force

It’s our first look at Kylo Ren’s destructive power… and it seems that poor old Poe Dameron is really going to cop it.

Clad in his now-iconic robes and mask, he’s seemingly torturing Poe Dameron – one of the new heroes of ‘The Force Awakens’. It’s a show of Force… in more ways than one. Seeming to unleash a destructive wave of energy on Poe’s fragile mind, it shows us exactly what Kylo Ren is capable of - there’s certainly no disputing his Dark Side prowess.

It’s been rumoured for some time that Poe Dameron initially appears as a prisoner of the First Order, when he encounters Finn – a stormtrooper who eventually teams up with the captured resistance pilot to fight their way out of the First Order’s base.

This torture scene suggests that those rumours were right on the money.

A Major Character Dies?

It’s clearly an emotional journey for Rey – a desert scavenger who gets caught up in a war between the Resistance and the First Order. But has she just witnessed the death of one of the main characters?

She’s sobbing almost uncontrollably, and clearly looks as though she’s utterly distressed. And with hints of a crumpled leather jacket laying before her, it could mean that one of our leather-clad heroes is going to bite the dust.

Or at least, head off and do something stupid.

But who could it be? We’ve already got some theories

Han Solo – Sceptic No More?

It looks as though a good blaster is no match for what Han Solo once considered a hokey religion… as he reveals to our new heroes that the legends of Jedi and Sith are all real.

And he would know.

It’s one of the coolest little touches of the entire trailer, and shows how much has changed in the last thirty years. Han Solo’s snarky wit and snide comments about the Force were a huge part of the original trilogy. But now that Luke Skywalker has seemingly vanished along with the last of the Sith, it’s Han who is left to convince everyone that the legends are true.

How ironic.

First Look At The Knights Of Ren

Not so long ago, we all thought that Kylo Ren was the character’s real name… but it has since been revealed that he took the name as a title – as a member of the Knights of Ren.

But while the mysterious group were revealed to be Dark Side fanatics, we hadn’t actually seen them on screen. That is, until now.

Clearly, Kylo Ren is one of the coolest-looking of the bunch… but a closer look at their armour reveals the Dark Side inspiration behind them. One of the chaps on the left looks as though he has a respirator which is very similar to Darth Vader’s.

And there’s even a hint of Darth Revan in there somewhere.

Where is Luke Skywalker?

He’s been notably absent from the trailers and even the ‘Star Wars 7’ theatrical poster… at least, we still haven’t seen the old Jedi’s face. So what’s happened to Luke Skywalker?

Although it’s firmly believed that the robotic arm above belongs to Luke – after all, it was replaced after he lost it during the events of the Empire Strikes Back – it seems odd that we still haven’t been introduced to the last Jedi properly.

Could there a good reason for that, or is J.J. Abrams merely toying with us?

There have been plenty of rumours about what may have happened to Skywalker since ‘Return of the Jedi’… but while I don’t think he’s turned to the Dark Side just yet, perhaps he’s not the same man since we saw him last.

An Epic Lightsaber Duel Begins

It wouldn’t be ‘Star Wars’ without an awesome lightsaber battle… and with Finn squaring up to Kylo Ren, it looks as though we’re in for a real treat.

Of course, we’ve seen this moment teased and hinted at over the last few weeks… but now we finally get to see the clash of lightsabers first hand – if only for a moment. But this might give away more than we thought.

In this brief clip, it looks as though Kylo is limping slightly towards Finn… and with his helmet seemingly torn off, he’s looking a little worse for wear. Could this be one of the film’s climactic battles? It certainly looks like.

But I get the feeling there’s going to be a bit more to it.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ heads to cinemas on 17 December 2015.

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Picture Credit: Lucasfilm.