Lee Mack's game show returning next week

Lee Mack is returning as the host for a third series and two Christmas specials credit:Bang Showbiz
Lee Mack is returning as the host for a third series and two Christmas specials credit:Bang Showbiz

Lee Mack's ITV game show 'The 1 Per Cent Club' is returning this month.

The popular game show - which was crowned The Most Popular Quiz Game Show at the 2023 National Television Awards - will return with a whopping 16 episodes, double the number of previous instalments.

The broadcaster is also working on two Christmas specials for 2024.

Speaking of the show's comeback, the comedian said: “Once again, I am delighted to cause household arguments, as kids mock their parents for being not as bright as them.

“But grown-ups can stay out as late as we want, so we get the last laugh."

The format sees 100 contestants given the opportunity to walk away with a life-changing sum of £100,00 - but only if they can answer a question correctly that only 1 per cent of the nation got right.

Dean Nabarro at Magnum Media added: “For all those people who still haven’t managed to get the 1 per cent question right, the great news is there will be another 16 shows to prove you’ve got what it takes to be in The 1 Per cent Club.”

The show returns on February 17 on ITV1 and ITVX.

The 55-year-old funnyman previously admitted he'd have turned down the chance to host 'The 1 Per Cent Club' if he'd been able to get all the questions right.

The 'Not Going Out' star told the Daily Star newspaper: “I like quizzes that are tough. I watch ‘University Challenge’ knowing that if I’m lucky I’ll get a couple of questions right and I’m more than happy with that because when you get it right you feel great!

“Quizzes like 'Millionaire' are great, starting off fairly easy and yet towards the end most of us haven’t a clue what the answers are, which is handy otherwise they’d have to give a million pounds out each show.

"That’s what I really like about 'The 1 Per Cent Club.' The producers shared some questions with me and if I’d been able to get them all right, probably wouldn’t have done the show. But I quickly realised, if someone gets these right, they’re a proper brain box!"