Loose Women's Linda Robson racked up 3k worth of parking ticket fines

Linda Robson racked up 3k worth of parking fines credit:Bang Showbiz
Linda Robson racked up 3k worth of parking fines credit:Bang Showbiz

Linda Robson racked up £3,000 worth of parking tickets.

The 'Loose Women' panellist, 66, admitted she had been fined several times because she felt her "national treasure" status allowed her to park "anywhere [she] likes".

During an appearance on 'Good Morning Britain', she told hosts Susanna Reid and Ed Balls: "I’ve just paid £3,000 worth of parking tickets."

Linda then revealed her children - including daughter Lauren, who she has with ex Tony Tyler, and her two children Louis and Roberta, who she has with her former husband Mark Dunford - had taken her car keys away from her due to her poor parking.

She said: "They've taken my car keys off of me, my kids, they're taking control of my money and my car. So I'm not allowed to drive anymore because I just go, ‘Well, I'm a national treasure - I can park wherever I like.' "

The former 'I'm A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!' star also conceded she receives "pocket money" twice a week, because she "can't be trusted" to spend responsibly.

She admitted: "I get pocket money on a Monday and a Friday because I can’t be trusted with my money either!"

When asked what she spent her money on, Linda said "expensive candles" and "treating her family" took up the bulk of her expenditure.

She said: "I like candles, so I buy expensive candles. And I like treating my family, my kids and my sisters."

What's more, the 'Birds of a Feather' star shocked viewers after she revealed former 'EastEnders' actor Joe Swash lost his virginity in her house.

She explained: "Joe lived, like, opposite me. Joe actually lost his virginity in my house!"