Mark Hamill admits orange Darth Vader costume story was a 'Comic-Con Job' (update)
UPDATE: Mark Hamill has admitted that it wasn’t really him wearing an orange Darth Vader costume at San Diego Comic-Con. The Luke Skywalker star hinted to his followers that he had walked the show floor wearing the distinctive disguise, but now he’s revealed it was all an elaborate scheme.
He tweeted the ruse was “simply a joke meant to playfully mind-trick his fans”.
Well, it clearly worked.
Breaking News: FANS SLAM SHAM-HAM SCAM- Actor Mark Hamill says it was all in good fun & simply a joke meant to playfully mind-trick his fans. He claims (without proof) most people enjoyed his massive San Diego Comic Con-Job!
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 23, 2018
ORIGINAL STORY: Mark Hamill has let it be known — on numerous occasions — that he has little love for the current commander in chief. And over the weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, he once again demonstrated that opinion, via a disguise that mocked the president in amusing Star Wars fashion.
Everyone knows that Darth Vader wears black, but in an effort to ridicule President Trump, Hamill wore an orange Vader mask and boots while walking around Comic-Con. As if that hue weren’t enough to underscore Hamill’s point about Trump’s fondness for Evil Empire-ish authoritarianism, he also sported a lightsaber golf club and wore a white polo shirt that featured, on its back, the message “Make the Death Star Great Again.” And last night, Hamill confirmed that said outfitted figure was him:
"It's true… ALL of it."#OrangeVader #MyFinalDayAtSDCC2018
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 23, 2018
Fans were quick to post their own sightings of the erstwhile Luke Skywalker in full Darth Trump gear, via the hashtag #OrangeVader:
I cant believe I met @HamillHimself in disguise today!
— Tyler (@tgarcia996) July 22, 2018
I was informed earlier today by a friend that I unknowingly took a photo of @HamillHimself during Comic-Con! Could it be true??
— Brendan Bajillioz (@WillHunting562) July 22, 2018
This is part of what make Comic-Con so great!!! #OrangeVader #SDCC2018 Love that this happened!
— Charlie Brown (@cbpeanuts) July 23, 2018
I can't believe it, I recorded @HamillHimself in @Comic_Con#SDCC2018#OrangeVader#ComicCon
— Itzel Segura📷 (@itzel_segura) July 23, 2018
Hamill’s orange Vader getup wasn’t his only costume at the con, however; he also greeted unsuspecting fans while decked out as a stormtrooper:
YES- That would be me on the left. (You know, the vertically-challenged Stormtrooper.)#LovelyLadyLuke
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 22, 2018
#SDCC DAY 3 WISH LIST: A) Don't arouse any suspicions it's me because I'm too short for this costume B) Find that ultra-rare comic book I need to complete my collection C) Get @NathanHamill's autograph (if I can find Booth #1415) D) Find the perfect nacho 👍
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 21, 2018
The cosplaying force, it’s clear, is strong with this one.
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