Hugh Bonneville discusses his experience making Doctor Who

The Paddington star speaks to Yahoo UK about how impressive Matt Smith was while filming The Curse of the Black Spot during his tenure as the Eleventh Doctor.

Video transcript

Doctor who which, uh, you got to be in that in such a fun episode with Matt Smith, I wonder you got to be a buyer of all things, which is such a fun thing to do in.

Doctor Who, Um what was that like?

Especially working with Matt Smith, Stephen Marat and Karen Gillan, who obviously are reuniting now in Douglas's council.

Yeah, it was great.

I remember we had a sort of read through, and it was the end of one of they were shooting a previous episode.

And Matt and Karen came in looking absolutely exhausted because those days on, on set particularly for Matt and the energy he had to bring to the role was absolutely, you know, punishing.

Um and, uh, we did the we did a sort of rehearsal read through, and he absolutely, again, this his leadership and his energy was exemplary.

Um, and I realised then and there that I could never play doctor who, because I'd never had that much energy or the capacity to retain so much, Uh, you know, fantastical dialogue as as as he did.

Um, but Karen and and and Matt were wonderfully welcoming, and we went and did a A few.

I remember a few very cold nights filming on a ship down in in Cornwall.

Um, I think probably with rain machines and certainly with a bit of brandy at the end of the night to, uh, try and keep us warm.

But they were great.

Uh, they were great hosts for a guest artist like me.