New Netflix movie Nimona lands 100% Rotten Tomatoes rating

Netflix's Nimona lands 100% Rotten Tomatoes ratingNetflix

Netflix's animated LGBTQ+ movie Nimona is a hit with critics, earning a coveted 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Based on ND Stevenson's award-winning 2015 graphic novel, the story follows shapeshifting teenager Nimona (voiced by Chloë Grace Moretz), who's being hunted by a knight named Ballister Boldheart. And yet, when the assassin is accused of a crime he didn't commit, it's the youngster who may turn out to be his saviour.

The project was previously scrapped by Disney before finding its new home on Netflix.


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Below, you can check out a variety of review snippets straight out of Annecy International Animation Film Festival ahead of Nimona's release later this month.


"Nimona never loses sight of the fun, delivering an exhilarating adventure filled with mind-blowing set pieces. The movie has enough layers to keep adults engaged as it explores the danger of totalitarian states, how tradition often gets in the way of personal achievements, and even gender fluidity.

"However, instead of letting the seriousness of these subjects get in the way of creating a light-hearted story that can be enjoyed by parents and children alike, Nimona masterfully weaves its many themes into a narrative that’s still thrilling and funny."

Screen Daily

"It's a slick, enjoyable package from Spies in Disguise directing duo Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, and Netflix will likely be hoping that Nimona might repeat the animation awards success of last year's Pinocchio. But while it's an enjoyable, high-quality production, Nimona may lack the attention-grabbing originality that could push it into the centre of the awards conversation.

"Still, it is a film that manages to put a distinctive spin on themes that are, it has to be said, very familiar."

netflix nimona poster, with nimona sproting dragon wings on ballister's shoulders as spears surround them

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"Not since Shrek has an animated feature had such subversive fun with the 'happily ever after' formula, although there's no way the film's punchy personality would have turned out the same if Nimona had remained a studio toon.

"Easily the most appealing thing about Nimona is the outside-the-box animation style. How often have you flipped through the 'art of' book for some big-budget animated feature and wondered why the movie didn't match the brilliant concept art that went into its making? Well, Nimona won't leave you feeling that way, as it belongs to a new trend of bending computer animation to look more like human drawings."


"In adapting ND Stevenson's revered webcomic to animation, Netflix makes Nimona's queer content more overt as it tells a tender and bold tale about challenging institutions, being a good ally, and the need to live as your true self.

"It's a beautifully animated film that never loses sight of its goals as it seamlessly blends goofy humour and action, an imaginative setting, and powerful emotional moments to produce a memorable and highly relevant family film."

Nimona streams on Netflix from Friday, June 30.

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