Quentin Tarantino Has No Problem With Superhero Movie Domination

It’s no secret that Quentin Tarantino has a lot of opinions about cinema. He’s a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, which is why he’s often asked about modern film trends.

The biggest trend in Hollywood right now is superhero movies, and somewhat surprisingly the ‘Pulp Fiction’ and 'Kill Bill’ director appears to be all for them.

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“I’ve been reading comic books since I was a kid, and I’ve had my own Marvel Universe obsessions for years,” said Tarantino in an interview with New York Magazine (via Vulture).

“So I don’t really have a problem with the whole superhero thing right now, except I wish I didn’t have to wait until my 50s for this to be the dominant genre. Back in the ‘80s, when movies sucked — I saw more movies then than I’d ever seen in my life, and the Hollywood bottom-line product was the worst it had been since the ’50s — that would have been a great time.”

His appreciative tone isn’t shared by all. Some are already tiring of superhero movies despite 2015 being a pretty regular year, with only three big releases. Next year will be far my trying for the blockbuster genre, with seven major releases.

New York Magazine also asked the 'Reservoir Dogs’ (below) director if he’d have made a superhero movie back when he was younger. “No, I was still working at a video store! But I would have gone to see them. That was my time. I was in my 20s and would have been just like the guys at Comic-Con now who go see every DC and Marvel movie. But I’m in my 50s now, so I don’t see all of them.”

Moving on to blockbusters more generally, Tarantino was asked how different his career would have been if he had made the jump to big budget films, citing how he was offered both 'Men In Black’ and 'Speed’.

“My career would be pretty good. I think it’s less about the success of something like 'Men In Black’ or 'Speed’, or the success of 'Pulp Fiction’, and more about how to present yourself to the industry. Right away, I presented myself as not a director for hire. I’m not going to sit at home and read these scripts you send me. I’m going to write my own.”

Tarantino’s eighth film, 'The Hateful 8’ is set to be released on 8 January 2016.

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Picture Credits: WENN / Marvel Studios