Star Wars ‘Fan’ Unveils Massive Force Awakens Spoiler

It’s official – there’s at least one ‘Star Wars’ fan who has fallen to the Dark Side.

During the run up to ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, some fans went to great lengths to avoid any unintentional spoilers. Many left Facebook and Twitter for a short spell, and were obsessively careful about which news articles they read.

But there’s one fan who is determined to ruin it for as many people as possible.

**Spoiler Warning: Don’t read on if you haven’t seen ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’**

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It’s one of the most dastardly displays of mass-spoilering we’ve seen… but the mischief-maker in question has displayed a rather significant ‘Star Wars’ spoiler on his car’s rear view window.

And for those of you who’ve seen it – yes, it’s that bit.

“This guy really just wants to ruin the movie for everyone else,” said the original poster.

The message clearly reveals: “Han Solo Dies In The Force Awakens”

An image of the dark-coloured Jeep (with blacked out windows – presumably to hide from disgruntled ‘Star Wars’ fans) was uploaded to Reddit… and its already going viral, clocking up thousands of views despite the massive spoiler.

“Some people just want to watch the world BURN,” said one Reddit user. “I hope he has insurance. He’s going to need a new window soon.”

But despite the spoilery image, some fans seem to think there’s nothing wrong with it…

“Brilliantly clever,” said one user. “P**sed I didn’t think of it, equally p**sed I haven’t watched the new one yet!”

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ has already been watched by millions of fans the world over… and currently stands at a colossal $1.748 billion at the global box office. But despite these huge audience figures, there are plenty of folks who haven’t seen the film yet.

Let’s just hope they don’t run into this guy.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ opened in cinemas on 17 December 2015.

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Picture Credit: Imgur, Lucasfilm.