Suranne Jones to star in Traitors-inspired Red Nose Day sketch

Suranne Jones will star in the Traitors-inspired sketch credit:Bang Showbiz
Suranne Jones will star in the Traitors-inspired sketch credit:Bang Showbiz

Suranne Jones is set to play Claudia Winkleman in a 'Traitors'-inspired Red Nose Day sketch.

The 45-year-old actress will join the likes of Jonathan Bailey, Catherine Tate and Sally Phillips in 'The Traitors: The Movie', which will take a funny look at some of the most iconic moments from the hit TV show.

Suranne said: "I’ve grown up with Comic Relief and every year I think I must do something, so it’s an absolute thrill to be cast. I watched 'The Traitors' and I love Claudia, so everything is done with love as I step into her shoes.

"The most important thing is we are raising money for really important causes. So we are having fun, but the main thing will always be the causes."

Jonathan is also looking forward to the sketch.

The 35-year-old actor admitted to being a huge fan of 'The Traitors', describing the show as his "all-time favourite TV series".

He said: "Being invited to be in a Comic Relief night of TV sketch is the proudest moment of my career so far. On top of that, 'The Traitors' is my all-time favourite TV series - I would be star-struck if I met any one of them.

"I’m sure I am the first in a long line of actors who will play Harry in biopics. Actually, I want to take this moment to publicly apologise to Harry for what I’ve done."

Mollie Pearce, the 'Traitors' series two finalist, is also excited to support Comic Relief.

Mollie shared: "Red Nose Day is a great cause and something I’ve grown up watching. When I read the script, I thought it was so funny and great entertainment, it’s nice to make people laugh and smile after such an intense series."

'The Traitors: The Movie' will air on 'Comic Relief: Funny for Money' on Friday (15.03.24).