- EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
How Twilight shaped The Amazing Spider-Man reboot
Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone starred in 2012’s Spider-Man reboot, a young-adult romance billed as “a superhero movie for the Twilight generation”.
6-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
Should the Twilight film franchise be rebooted?
The Twilight films became a cultural phenomenon, but is it a good idea to reboot the franchise for a new generation?
4-min read - CelebrityYahoo Movies
Kristen Stewart on fame and why she's only made '5 really good films'
The actress also opened up about being in the public eye and why she's "not trying to be" a role model.
3-min read - EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK
Bizarre Twilight 'animal droppings' deleted scene goes viral
Fans who think they know the Twilight movie series inside out might find that Kristen Stewart's Bella Swan still has a few secrets to reveal.
2-min read