Video store with 14,000 copies of Jerry Maguire opens in LA

The Jerry Maguire Video Store (Credit: YouTube)
The Jerry Maguire Video Store (Credit: YouTube)

A perfectly-recreated 90s-style video rental store has opened on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, but if you still own a functioning VHS player and were looking to rent anything other than ‘Jerry Maguire’, you’re going to be disappointed.

The Jerry Maguire Video Store only stocks ‘Jerry Maguire’ and it has around 14,000 copies of Cameron Crowe’s 1996 sports comedy in stock. The tapes, all original, have been collected by video bloggers Everything Is Terrible since 2008 solely through fan donations.

They started the collection after noticing multiple copies of the tape on sale at every thrift store they visited, and fans began sending them hundreds of copies every week. “Seeing thousands of Jerrys finally reunited will forever destroy the viewers’ previous perception of culture, waste, and existence as a whole,” Everything Is Terrible say, “The Jerrys are a beautiful thing.”

The store, open at the iam8bit gallery from 13 January – 29 January, is just the first step of EIT’s plan to build a permanent memorial to the Tom Cruise classic.

All proceeds raised by the video store will be spent on building the “Jerry Pyramid” an “enormous, permanent pyramid in the desert where all the world’s Jerrys will live until the end of time.”


Show them the money, let’s make this happen.

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The most valuable VHS tapes ever
The weird Addams Family sequel that went straight to VHS
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