Watch How KSI Transformed His Physique and Built His Fittest-Ever Body

In a spit-and-sawdust MMA gym in North London, KSI has just wrapped an intense workout. He’s been showing MH the kind of work he’s been doing to prepare for his upcoming 'Two Fights in One Night' bouts against the rapper Swarmz and Mexican professional boxer Luis Alcarez Pineda.

Alongside his coach, Alexis Demetriades, and training partner, Isai Villamur, KSI has taken us through one of his typical boxing workouts. It includes: shadow boxing, partner drills, a sweaty shoulder complex and he finishes with neck exercises that are designed to support him if he’s knocked back with a punch.

With the work that he's put in, KSI can no longer be dismissed as just a 'YouTube fighter'. He's a pro boxer now. He fights with no headguard and on Saturday night he'll be taking punches from a fellow pro boxer in Pineda. Why does he do it? Most people in his position would be satisfied with successful careers as a YouTube content creator and musician.

"I love the drive it gives me. I love the purpose it gives me," KSI says. "I feel like I'm able to challenge my body every day, push my body to the limit and then keep on pushing."

Although he is now a pro boxer, KSI isn't getting ahead of himself. He still rates himself as a two out of 10 for boxing. "I don't know a lot," KSI revealed in our exclusive digital cover interview. "I think my boxing knowledge is so minute. I think there's so much more I need to learn, but I think I've made huge strides."

What he does know is the work he's put in will all be worth it come Saturday night. "When I get in that ring, it's a celebration of all the hard work that I've done."

KSI's Shoulder Conditioning Complex

Complete each exercise for 30 seconds before moving onto the next.

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