Why Is Everyone Talking About This Pic Of Leonardo DiCaprio And His Parents?


It might well have been a picture from 1976, but that hasn’t stopped the ever-rational people of the internet projecting today’s attitudes onto it.

Currently trending is a lovely shot of the toddling Leonardo DiCaprio with his parents, posted by the Facebook page History In Pictures.


Dappled with sunlight and his parents Irmelin Indenbirken and George DiCaprio holding their pride and joy aloft, it wasn’t the sight of their beaming smiles which has gone viral.

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Rather, the fact that Irmelin has hairy armpits. In 1976.

So far, the picture has been shared over 100,000 times, many questioning why such a thing would cause the consternation it has amongst a small but vocal group.


However, the trolls have been stamped down, the vast majority of commenters in full support of Leo’s mum’s pits.


Others posted pictures of solidarity.


Though some pedants did pick up on the use of disposal nappies.


Thanks for that, very helpful.

DiCaprio’s parents split when he was one, the young chap mostly living with his mother from then on in a tough LA neighbourhood.

He’s called her a ‘walking miracle’ in the past.

Image credits: Facebook/History In Pictures