Kevin Costner victorious over Stephen Baldwin in oil cleanup court case

Stephen Baldwin has lost a court case against Kevin Costner, in which he claimed he was tricked into selling his shares in an oil cleanup company, which went on to make millions following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago.

The New Orleans jury sided with Costner in a verdict that took less than two hours to be returned, and didn't award Baldwin a cent of the approx £11million he felt he was owed.

Costner developed a technology for company Ocean Therapies Solutions, which was contracted by BP to help clean up the massive oil spill. Baldwin and his partner Spyridon Contogouris sold their shares for under £1million just before BP hired OTS. He claims Costner's team created the impression that BP weren't going to approach them.

After the verdict, Costner told the AP:

"My name means more to me than money, and that's why we didn't settle."

A witness testified on Wednesday that Baldwin had threatened to leak personal info about Costner to the press if he wasn't paid a big settlement.