Stars join in support of Die Hard director facing jail

Samuel L. Jackson and Brad Bird are among those campaigning to keep John McTiernan from prison

A host of stars have joined a campaign to save Hollywood director John McTiernan from jail.

The director of such films as 'Die Hard', 'Predator' and 'The Hunt For Red October' is set to begin a year-long prison term next week after he was charged with lying to federal agents and perjury.

[Related story: Die Hard director headed for jail]

Samuel L. Jackson, Carl Weathers, directors Brad Bird, Joe Carnahan and Gareth Evans, score writer Clint Mansell, 'Kick-Ass' creator Mark Millar and Cannes Film Festival general delegate Thierry Fremaux are among those who have all lent support to a Facebook campaign called 'Free John McTiernan'.

McTiernan's troubles have revolved around his dealings with infamous Hollywood private investigator Anthony Pellicano - currently serving 15 years in prison himself - who the director had hired to wire-tap the producer of his film 'Rollerball'.

He was then charged with lying to federal agents involved in the case, and then for perjury when he tried to reverse a guilty plea.

The page suggests that McTiernan is being prosecuted while other famous players who have used Pellicano avoided the sharp end of the law – thought to include the likes of Tom Cruise and Chris Rock.

It's also suggest that he is being made an example of, despite having fired Pellicano after he failed to produce any findings after just a few days work.

Much of the support for the director is coming from French media and filmmakers, where he is considered an auteur.