Clint Eastwood classic Every Which Way But Loose is getting a remake

Remake... new version of Clint boxing classic on the way - Credit: Rex Features
Remake… new version of Clint boxing classic on the way – Credit: Rex Features

Clint Eastwood’s classic bare knuckle boxing comedy ‘Every Which Way But Loose’ is getting itself a remake.

Deadline reports that the 1978 movie, in which Eastwood played rough-and-ready pugilist and truck driver Philo Beddoe, is to be made with original director James Fargo on board to produce.

Anthony Cohen, director of sex comedy ‘The Sex Trip’, will helm the remake.

There is now news yet on casting (maybe Clint’s son Scott could throw a dirty vest into the ring?), nor whether the new Philo will have a pet orang-utan called Clyde as his sidekick.

(Credit: Getty)
(Credit: Getty)

The 1978 movie remains one of Eastwood’s highest-grossing, making a solid $85 million from a $5 million budget (over well over $300 million in today’s money).

But critics panned the project, with Newsweek’s David Ansen calling it a ‘plotless junk heap of moronic gags, sour romance and fatuous fisticuffs’.

“The only decent part is played by an orangutan. One can forgive [his] participation—he couldn’t read the script—but what is Eastwood’s excuse?” he went on.

The terrible reviews notwithstanding, it still got a sequel – ‘Any Which Way You Can’ – in 1980, which still made a respectable $75 million.

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