Geostorm gets an inadvertently hilarious new trailer

Thought ‘Geostorm’ couldn’t get any worse?

Then get a load of this ridiculously crazy new trailer.

A new trailer has dropped for Gerard Butler’s immensely over-the-top disaster movie, ‘Geostorm’… and if you love nonsensical scientific explanations, you’re going to go crazy for this one.

I mean, come on… Geostorm? Really?

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Essentially taking the movie ‘Twister’ and ramping it up to 11, ‘Geostorm’ stars Gerard Butler as random science guy, Jake. After a global network of weather-controlling satellites begins to go a bit wonky, Jake is tasked with fixing it…

In the most overblown manner you can imagine.

Want more storms with your storm? Geostorm delivers - Credit: Warner Bros.
Want more storms with your storm? Geostorm delivers – Credit: Warner Bros.

“Sorry about that,” says Jake after turning up late to a meeting. “I literally had to fly in from outer space.” Well, thanks for clearing that up, buddy. I’m sure everyone would have had no idea what you were talking about had you not used the word ‘literally’.

But if Gerard Butler’s witticisms don’t grab your interest, ‘Geostorm’ has another trick up its sleeves. After all, it’s not just a disaster movie… it apparently tries to be a Bond film, too.

Here’s the official synopsis:

“After an unprecedented series of natural disasters threatened the planet, the world’s leaders came together to create an intricate network of satellites to control the global climate and keep everyone safe. But now, something has gone wrong – the system built to protect the Earth is attacking it, and it’s a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything… and everyone along with it.”

Oh no... storms! - Credit: Warner Bros.
Oh no… storms! – Credit: Warner Bros.

Oh, really? Espionage intrigue and a load of tornados?

Honestly, ‘Geostorm’ is just the gift that keeps on giving.

Oh, and they kidnap the President, too.

Let’s be honest – ‘Geostorm’ makes John Cusack’s catastrophic disaster flick ‘2012’ look entirely reasonable by comparison. It’s got over-the-top natural disasters, Gerard Butler in one of the least-defined roles of all time, and a bunch of angry politicians essentially shaking their fists at the weather.

Andy Garcia never looked so good - Credit: Fox
Andy Garcia never looked so good – Credit: Fox

What’s not to love?

I mean, the plot is entirely ridiculous and just keeps getting more convoluted with each trailer… but, storms. Everyone loves storms. Especially massive, earth-shattering, society-ending storms. And not just storms, either – it’s got earthquakes, lava, just about every kind of natural disaster you could imagine.

You know, just in case storms aren’t your thing.

In a film called ‘Geostorm’.

Still, if random weather events and running away from wind is your thing, then ‘Geostorm’ promises to be right up your street. But are there enough weatherphiles to turn this trainwreck into a box office hit?

For now, we’ll have to wait and see.

(But no, probably not if I’m honest)

‘Geostorm’ stars Gerard Butler alongside Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Alexandra Maria, Daniel Wu, Ed Harris, and Andy Garcia.

Dean Devlin directs, based on a script he co-wrote with Kieran and Michelle Mulroney.

‘Geostorm’ heads to cinemas on 20 October 2017.

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