Juliette Lewis Says Tom Cruise Is A Victim Of Anti-Scientology Conspiracy


Juliette Lewis has defended Scientology and fellow follower Tom Cruise, suggesting a conspiracy may be behind the negative press the actor is often subject to.

The 41-year-old ‘Natural Born Killers’ star spoke to the Daily Beast about what she believes to be bias in the mainstream media over her choice of religion.

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“I’ll get all conspiratorial on you,” she said.

“I’m just going to throw this out: The mainstream media is funded by pharmaceutical companies. When you have the biggest movie star in the world at the time — Tom Cruise — coming out against anti-depressants and Ritalin and just saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you put a warning label on there?’

“So, when Tom came out about that, I’ve never seen someone get torn down so hard, and they still brutalize him with Scientology pieces to this day.”

Lewis has been a Scientologist, along with the likes of Cruise and John Travolta, for many years.


“The thing about Scientology is it is anti-drug in that you’re seeking relationship or communication tools — simple basics on how to live better,” she went on.

“It’s a religious philosophy and self-help movement. And you’ll never see a truthful word written about it in mainstream media.”

It’s not the first time that she’s broached what she deems an unfair view of the religion, founded by writer L. Ron Hubbard.

“I think there’s so much confusion because people don’t understand a religion where you can be another religion but you can still practice Scientology,” she told Vanity Fair – a magazine that has been fiercely critical of Scientology in the past – back in 2010.

“That’s why it’s completely progressive. It’s just tools for living. It’s about understanding one’s self and others and compassion and how to communicate better and how to live in this troubled society.

“It’s really basic, common sense stuff. It has nothing to do with all this funny folklore that surrounds it. You could be a Jewish Scientologist or a Buddhist Scientologist or a Christian Scientologist or anything else.”

Lewis is next up in the drama ‘Kelly & Cal’. You can check the trailer below…

Image credit: AP/Warner Bros

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