Ridley Scott teases more Blade Runner sequels

Ridley Scott teases more Blade Runner sequels - Credit: Columbia Pictures
Ridley Scott teases more Blade Runner sequels - Credit: Columbia Pictures

‘Blade Runner 2049’ may be just the beginning…

During an interview with IGN, ‘Blade Runner’ creator Ridley Scott teased his intention to further the ‘Blade Runner’ universe… and that could mean more sequels on their way.

Asked whether he’s thought about building the world beyond just one movie, he revealed that he’s planning to expand ‘Blade Runner’ in a similar fashion to the ‘Alien’ movies.

“Yes,” he replied. “I think that, you know what, George [Lucas] has always proved that. Of course, there’s always something.”

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Obviously, he’s comparing a potential ‘Blade Runner’ franchise to the way George Lucas expanded on the original ‘Star Wars’ movie to create a trilogy… then another trilogy… and now, another.

And that could mean more ‘Blade Runner’ movies.

“You know, and the way he’s handled Star Wars has been spectacular,” he said. “It’s what I’ve been trying to do to really evolve Alien, because in those days I wasn’t into making sequels, but now suddenly you realize, ‘Well, that’s stupid’. I’ll use the word ‘duh’ again, right? You’d better get into sequels, duh. So that’s in a way what I’ve been doing.”

But will another ‘Blade Runner’ sequel happen?

Ridley Scott teases more Blade Runner sequels - Credit: Columbia Pictures
Ridley Scott teases more Blade Runner sequels – Credit: Columbia Pictures

I can’t help thinking that would be an incredible turn of events… and it could be possible – especially if Dennis Villeneuve’s ‘Blade Runner 2049’ does well at the box office.

Could renewed interest convince Ridley to take the reins of the franchise?

I’m not sure… but with his active involvement in the ‘Alien’ franchise, it was perhaps inevitable that he would be asked whether ‘Alien’ and ‘Blade Runner’ could exist in the same universe.

“Well, I think if Alien is in the air, Blade Runner is on Earth,” he said. “And probably is a very good reason why you wanna leave Earth.”

‘Blade Runner 2049’ stars Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana De Armas, MacKenzie Davis, Sylvia Hoeks, Lennie James, Carla Juri, Robin Wright, Dave Bautista and Jared Leto.

Denis Villeneuve directed the movie based on a script by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green.

‘Blade Runner 2049’ heads to cinemas on 6 October 2017.

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