Independence day resurgence

  • NewsBen Bussey

    Roland Emmerich Lines Up New Sci-Fi Movie, Moonfall

    His latest movie ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’ may have only just touched down in cinemas, but filmmaker Roland Emmerich has already got his next project lined up.

  • NewsBen Arnold

    Independence Day: Resurgence Told To Leave Indian Landmarks Alone

    “They like to get the landmarks,” quips Jeff Goldblum’s MIT computer boffin David Levinson in ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’. According to reports, 20th Century Fox, the studio behind the tourist attraction-smashing sequel, were warned against such willy-nilly destruction in the sub-continent for fear of alienating an entire nation. The Mumbai Mirror reports that there were plans to destroy the Gateway of India in Mumbai, but they were soon sidelined.

  • NewsBen Arnold

    Is 2016 The Worst Summer Blockbuster Season In Years?

    ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’ is the latest movie to have arrived amid a general shrug of the shoulders (and that’s at best… at worst, many critics have taken it to pieces). Prior to this is was 'X-Men: Apocalypse’, generally considered to be a low point in the 'X-Men’ series, with poor reviews and a pretty serious lack of interest at the box office. There’s not an analyst in Hollywood who could call that a successful box office salvo, particularly when you consider its predecessor, 'X-Men: D

  • NewsBen Bussey

    Stargate Reboot Trilogy Plans Announced

    Celebrated for its state-of-the-art special effects, it was a reasonable box office success, earning almost $200 million worldwide, and Devlin and Emmerich had originally intended to make two sequels. This, it seems, was always a disappointment for the creators of the franchise – and now, Devlin tells Variety they hope to complete their original vision of a ‘Stargate’ trilogy.

  • NewsBen Arnold

    Fan Backlash Over Bizarre Man United/Independence Day 2 Advert

    Remember Wayne Rooney’s appearance in that ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ teaser? (Check it out here, in all its appalling glory).

  • NewsBen Arnold

    Unmade Independence Day Sequel Plot Revealed... And It Was Terrible

    Long before the soon-to-be released ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’, there were plans for another sequel to the 1996 sci-fi actioner.

  • NewsTom Butler

    Bill Pullman: My Iconic Speech Saved Independence Day From A Terrible Title

    This summer sees the release of ‘Independence Day Resurgence’, the long-awaited sequel to 1996′s ‘Independence Day’, but if things had turned out differently we may have been waiting for a movie with a totally different - and immeasurably worse - title. Bill Pullman, the actor who plays President Thomas J. Whitmore in both films, has revealed that executives were intent on calling the film ‘Doomsday’ but it was a rough cut of his rabble-rousing “we will not go quietly into the night” speech tha

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