Twitter Permanently Bans Nero Following Racist Abuse of Ghostbusters Star

Twitter has taken a stand against online trolls and bullies by finally banning one of the platform’s most notorious and outspoken users.

Conservative writer, and Breitbart tech editor, Milo Yiannopoulos - aka @Nero -has had his account permanently suspended along with a number of other trolls following a racist attack on comedian and actress Leslie Jones, the star of the new ‘Ghostbusters’.

Jones found herself bombarded with racist abuse on Twitter earlier this week and appealed to the social platform to take a stand against the abuse.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey responded directly to Jones and his company issued a statement overnight saying it would “take faster action on abuse” promising to “prevent repeat offenders.“

Reuters reports that Twitter said it had seen an “uptick” in the number of accounts violating its “abuse and harassment policies” over the last 48 hours and had begun issuing warnings and suspending users.

Yiannopoulos is no stranger to controversy and has had his account suspended a number of times. His verified status was finally revoked earlier this year.

In a statement on the conservative website Breitbart where Yiannopoulos serves as tech editor, he responded: “With the cowardly suspension of my account, Twitter has confirmed itself as a safe space for Muslim terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists, but a no-go zone for conservatives.”

“Twitter is holding me responsible for the actions of fans and trolls using the special pretzel logic of the left. Where are the Twitter police when Justin Bieber’s fans cut themselves on his behalf?”

“Like all acts of the totalitarian regressive left, this will blow up in their faces, netting me more adoring fans. We’re winning the culture war, and Twitter just shot themselves in the foot.”

“This is the end for Twitter. Anyone who cares about free speech has been sent a clear message: you’re not welcome on Twitter.”

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Image credits: Rex/Twitter