Unaltered Star Wars trilogy to be released later this year?

Will we finally get an original Star Wars cut? - Credit: Lucasfilm
Will we finally get an original Star Wars cut? – Credit: Lucasfilm

The original ‘Star Wars’ trilogy may be getting a rerelease…

But this time, without the Special Edition edits.

It’s no secret that ‘Star Wars’ fans have been clamouring for an unaltered release of the original ‘Star Wars’ trilogy. Essentially, it would be an unaltered, pre-Special Edition version of the original ‘Star Wars’ movies. Not a CGI creature in sight. And every now and then, new rumours emerge, suggesting that this is definitely going to happen.

Except, it never does.

But this time, the rumours seem much more plausible.

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According to the ever-reliable MakingStarWars, new rumours suggest that a rerelease of the original, unaltered ‘Star Wars’ trilogy is coming… and it’s all because of the original movie’s 40th anniversary.

“Over the last month the evidence and tips have been piling up that the unaltered original trilogy will be re-released this year for the 40th anniversary in various formats,” they claim. “Several sources have let us know it was coming and it appears to actually be on the way this time.”

Unfortunately, there’s no word on what form this will take.

A glimpse at the original Emperor - Credit: Lucasfilm
A glimpse at the original Emperor – Credit: Lucasfilm

Will it be a theatrical rerelease, a DVD and Blu-ray release, or both? At the moment, we have no idea… and the folks at Disney and Lucasfilm are yet to confirm that this is happening. But with the 40th anniversary looming, it feels like the right time to give the fans what they want.

However, this is still just a rumour.

“Every time there is a rainy day, a slow news week, or a Star Wars drought, a rumor starts to go around that the un-altered version of the Star Wars Trilogy will be re-released,” they state. MakingStarWars even states that they generally refuse to comment on such rumours, because they always turn out to be wrong.

But this time, it looks as though the clues are stacking up.

Han. Shot. First - Credit: Lucasfilm
Han. Shot. First – Credit: Lucasfilm

Lucasfilm previously claimed that the original negatives they have of the ‘Star Wars’ trilogy had been permanently altered during the making of the Special Editions, making it impossible to restore them to their original state. But then, a 35mm unaltered print of the original ‘Star Wars’ movie was unearthed last yet.

And that means there must be an original negative somewhere.

Will this rumour pan out? For now, we have to wait and see.

But if it happens, I can’t wait to show my kids the original ‘Star Wars’ movies I saw as a child. Without all that CGI. And Han definitely shot first.

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