The Rings of Power's Rory Kinnear 'put aside' fan expectations to play Tom Bombadil
Rory Kinnear tells Yahoo UK why he embraced the fan favourite character's 'quirky bonkers' nature for the Prime Video series, the first to feature him on the screen.
Video transcript
Tom Bomber is like a character that fans have been waiting for for so long to see on the big screen.
It always gets ignored, always gets cut out, and we finally get to see him.
So what was it like to bring this quirky, bonkers character to life on?
Uh, yeah, I'm sort of digging into the quirky bonker.
Um and, uh, yeah, so you sort of have to put aside the fact of its place in in Tolkien law and, uh, in terms of fans expectations and just try and concentrate on on how you respond to what you've got, which is obviously the the chapters in in the books.
But then also what JD and Patrick have have used, um, have used from from that source text to create their own new thing.
Um, and the relationships that you're building, um, and in this case almost exclusively with with the stranger, Um uh, but yeah, to be able to flesh out something quite so elliptical and, um, timeless and endless and in some ways feels unfathomable to try and put an actual human being into it, let alone me.
But I guess you just have to trust the process and work out where bits of his personality sit in you and what you respond to and, uh, and sort of lead with that and hope.
Hope that that takes you somewhere.
What do you reckon?
Your your in real life, your quirky, bonker sort of rating would be, you know, on a sort of a public or private what you've got to draw on.
It's an 8.5 to 9.
You've got a lot of you got a lot of tools that you dispose it's there or there about